Issue: What should I do with my Softpro water softener if I'm not using it for months
If you will not be using your softener for months, here's what you can do:
Run a regeneration the night before so fresh water is in there.
You have two choices, both involve bypassing the unit:
Step 1: Leave the unit plugged in so it can do the vacation mode feature which means every 7 days the unit will purge the stagnant water from the tanks keeping bacteria from growing.
Step 2: If you don't wanna chance any leaks then unplug the unit and as soon as you get back, add a quarter cup of nonscented bleach to the salt tank and run a regeneration, this will clean and disinfect the tank if it needs it and then theyll be good to go again.
If you unplug it that long then yes you'll need to program again but it isn't that big a deal.
Please refer to the link below for the programming guide: